Books & Stationery
All learners in Gr. 4-7 must pay an annual textbook fee of R700,00 in December / January before any textbooks are issued to them.
Parents will also pay a fee of R200,00 (per book) if any textbook or library book is damaged or not returned at the end of the year.
Parents may also buy a new book to replace the lost or damaged one.
Departmental workbooks will be issued to learners (R-7) free of charge at the beginning of the year.
Learners must cover all their books with good quality plastic.
Kuswag is a quintile 5 school and receives very limited funding from the Department of Education.
At the end of the year learners will receive a list indicating all the notebooks that parents must buy per grade.
All learners in Gr. 4-7 must pay an annual textbook fee of R700,00 in December / January before any textbooks are issued to them.
Parents will also pay a fee of R200,00 (per book) if any textbook or library book is damaged or not returned at the end of the year.
Parents may also buy a new book to replace the lost or damaged one.
At the end of the year learners will receive a list indicating all the stationery that parents must buy per grade. This is to enable the teachers to start work on the first day of school. Learners must have all the necessary stationery as indicated on the stationery list. This is the stationery needed for the year and should last for the whole year, unless the child wastes it.